Thursday, 18 February 2016

Drainage and Saving a Flooded Field

We have had a lot of problems with run off water from the road flooding part of the field out this year as the field is lower than the road and the plants are standing in water, my plan is to put a trench alongside the road, in the actual field

Another problem i have is drainage in part of the field it gets the run off water from the road and there are a couple of springs popped up in it now, i weed licked last autumn, my plan is to get a digger and make a shallow trench and long mound are the shallow trenches will drain the water and the trees get planted on the long mounds in rows, this i hope will keep the roots out of standing water

The boggy wet area


Standing water everywhere


Hopefully a solution as i dont think underground drainage will work, long mound the length of the area to plant, i am thinking 4ft apart mounds 2ft wide 1ft high, more to follow later on in the year as i cant do any of this work until its drier

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